
The Gorge Amphitheatre - George, WA
Media Type:
FOB Schoeps mk4v>vms>sbm-1>d8@44.1kHz
Set 1:
Set 1:
disc 1:
1) Intro [00:28:03]
2) Farmhouse, [05:17:26]
3) First Tube, [06:19:25]
4) Twist Around, [09:00:45]
5) Divided Sky, [15:58:23]
6) Ginseng Sullivan, [04:14:55]
7) Carini, [08:45:50]
8) What's the Use, [06:50:53]
9) Will It Go Round In Circles* [07:34:01]
Set 2:
Set 2:
disc 2:
1) Intro
2) Down With Disease > [00:28:50]
3) The Moma Dance > [13:31:44]
4) Piper, [07:37:66]
5) Fee -> [07:13:10]
6) Gotta Jiboo*, [08:45:61]
7) I Saw It Again, [06:25:37]

disc 3:
1) Split Open and Melt, [14:48:13]
2) Cavern, [04:00:19]
3) David Bowie [25:21:01]
4) The Squirming Coil [08:55:23]
Show Notes:
*TAB song, 1st time played by phish